Digital Data Pack J-Cards

SmartBASIC (#....)

ADAMCALC (#7831)


SmartLOGO (#7600)



CP/M 2.2(#7832)

Expert TYPE

Recipe Filer


Electronic Flashcard Maker

FlashFacts Vocabulator

FlashFacts Flashbacks

FlashFacts Trivia



ADAMLink 2

Address Book Filer (#)



Smart Letters & Forms

B&W J-Card Released Only

Market Monitor (1986) (Coleco (Canada) Limitee').dsk

B&W J-Card Released Only

Tax Planner (198x) (Coleco (Canada) Limitee').dsk

The ADAM Home Software Library (Single Edition)


The ADAM Home Software Library - Applications

The ADAM Home Software Library - Education

The ADAM Home Software Library - Games & Graphics

The ADAM Home Software Library - Mathmatics & Misc.


Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Jr.


Dragon's Lair


Buck Rogers

Wacky Word Games

The Best of Broderbund

2010: The Text Adventure Game


Richard Scarry's

Family Feud

JEOPARDY (#7716)DDP (#9654)5¼

Here's that famous television quiz show captured on a video game! Read the answer, then use your wits to supply the correct questions. Choose your category ... just like on TV! With new mental challenges at every turn, it's a game everybody wants!

Public Domain Release No J-Card

Jeopardy (1984) (Coleco) (Prototype).ddp

Jeopardy (1984) (Coleco) (Prototype).dsk


Sword & The Sorcerer (#7701)


Inulti-screen adventure, you help the hero and his magical sword fight his way past the evil king's soldiers, get the hidden key to the castle, find the captive lady...then, help her evade the lethal serpant and escape the enchanted city.

Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (#7702)


You relive history as Ulysses of Ancient Greece. The king has assignedyou the task of retrieving the legendary "Golden Fleece". You encounter many of the famous foes of mythology as you voyage through ancient seas and mystic lands to achieve your objectives.

Cranston Manor (#7703)


Old man Cranston was one of the richest (and greediest) men who ever lived...and he wanted no one to share his wealth, even after his death. It's your goal to find your way into the manor and recover the 16 different treasures hidden there.

Troll's Tale (#7704)


Public Domain Release No J-Card

Troll's Tale (198x) (Coleco) (Prototype).ddp

Troll's Tale (198x) (Coleco) (Prototype).dsk


Dracula (#TBD)

In Production by

Tunnels & Trolls (#7700)


You use the ADAM™ keyboard to CREATE the character you want to play .. . mighty Warrior, powerful Wizard, or cunning Rogue. (Two players can assume different roles and join forces to defeat the evil denizens of the dungeon.) Capture the fantasy! Escape into this role-playing game of monsters and heroes. Enter the mysterious dungeon full of uncharted hallways and hidden chambers in search of treasure. You'll have to fight an assortment of underground uglies by using your wits, your weapons, and your magic spells to win the treasure.

Tunnels & Trolls (198x) (Coleco) (Demo).dsk


B&W J-Card Release Only

B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984) (Coleco (Canada) Limitee').ddp

B.C.'s Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984) (Coleco (Canada) Limitee').dsk


B&W J-Card Release Only

Dam Busters, The (1984) (Coleco (Canada) Limitee').ddp

Dam Busters, The (1984) (Coleco (Canada) Limitee').dsk


SUPER SUBROCK (#2630)DDP (#9636)5¼


You're in command of a futuristic vessel that glides over the ocean, swoops through the air, and dives below water. Look through the cross hair sights and you see a host of battleships, submarines, missiles, torpedoes, and fireballs coming at you! Dodge right, dodge left, up or down; but the enemy just keeps on coming. Blast them with your arsenal of missiles and torpedoes. But, just when you think you've gained the upper hand, the mysterious force who controls your enemies lures you into the ocean depths for the final challenge!

SubRoc Super Game (1984) (Coleco) (Prototype).ddp

Wizard of Oz (#TBD)

Under Production Consideration by

SUPER WAR GAMES (#7707)DDP (#9640)5¼


You've tapped into "Joshua," the WOPR computer, which challenges you to defend the • U.S.A. from all-out thermonuclear war! It's World War Ill, and you are the commander at NORAD. You must monitor sector maps and conduct the country's defense using submarines, anti-ballistic missile~ interceptor jet patrols, and super secret killer satellites. Use your ADAM' Keyboard and hand controller to view the various sector screens and direct your defense for each zone.



You’re Captain Kirk, in command of the Starship Enterprise. . . and ADAM has become your on-board computer for your deadly space battles with the Klingons! Select your defenses and weapons . . . put your shields up, charge phasers and photon torpedoes. Then, use your joystick controllers to fire at will! But it'll take all your skill and daring, for the Klingons attack without mercy. It the Enterprise is damaged, dock at a Starbase to replenish your shields and photon torpedoes, and refuel the warp engines. You come face to face with NOMAD, who lays deadly space mines, then quickly moves out of range. Close in and attack NOMAD with your phaser before the mines explode. Sector after sector, the endless battle continues in this strategy and action game based on the hit coin-op version.


SMURF RESCUE (#2627)DDP (#9641)5¼


A dazzlin~ new edition of the popular ColecoVision® cartridge. More colorful graf?hics that bring the fantastic world of SMURFSr even closer! Your SMURF™ sets out for GARGAMELn"s foreboding castle on an even trickier rescue mission. On this SUPER GAME PACK, SMURF™ must contend with steeper jumps, and more dangerous obstacles. He'll still be pursued by birds, bats and spiders; but now even more nasty critters are on his trail, including GARGAMEL'S cat, AZRAEL'". It's more challenging and more fun than ever, for kids of all ages!

FRONT LINE (#2651)DDP (#9637)5¼


You're alone infantryman, fighting through treacherous terrain. The enemy comes at you from all sides; counterattack with your pistol and grenades before it's too late! The battleground changes constantly, but you have a wide choice of weapons systems at your command. When enemy tanks close in, leap into your own tank and fight back! Use your bazooka, or hunt for your helicopter! You are faced with alternate missions and different battlefields, all with superb Super Game graphics! The four triggers on the Super Action™ controllers are used to fire your weapons, throw a grenade, rotate your weapon clockwise or counter-clockwise and more! You can also use the ADAM™ Keyboard to strategically maneuver! Either way, it's the most realistic combat game ever!


TIME TRAVEL (#7624)DDP (#9609)5¼

Did you ever wish you could go back in t ime? Now you can! Travel back, back, back, and become a part of many momentous historical events in the making. Choose your era, then travel back in search of the answers to vital historical questions. This innovative program, with its involving text-and-graphic adventure and a unique approach to the subject matter, will be a sure hit with youngsters and adults alike.

WORLD GAME (#7621))DDP (#9606)5¼

This real world simulation, developed by social scientists, puts you in the decision-maker's seat as you assume the role of "head of state" of a major power. You must resolve an immediate crisis, such as an earthquake or oil embargo. To do this, you may employ international relief organizations or your own national resources. The game presents the world as a dynamic, interdependent system, where stress on one area will automatically impact other areas. Success will depend upon your ability to anticipate the effects of various problems and to develop appropriate strategies for dealing with them.


You're the campaign manager of a presidential candidate, and your goal is to win the election through clever use of campaign strategy. Players will learn about how our electoral system works and sharpen their strategic thinking, but their main goal will be to pull out all of the stops to win the election.

ENTREPRENEUR (#7622))DDP (#9607)5¼

How would you like to become the president of your own company? That's just what happens in this fantasy business game, which realistically simulates the challenge of running a business. Choose any scale of play, from heading a Fortune 100 corporation to a "Mom and Pop" store. Wherever you start, your goal is to succeed in establishing a profitable, well-managed operation. Like anyone in business, you'll be faced with a series of random events, both favorable and unfavorable. How you handle problems and progress is a test of your decision-making abilities. This program makes full use of ADAM'S™ Word Processing and Data Processing capabilities and can help you develop the "business sense" that's so vital for success in the real world.


Best of Synapse Album (#7853)DDP (#9646)5¼

NECROMANCER -The age of darkness is upon us. Tetragorn, the evil wizard, rules supreme with the dreaded legions of Araknid. Only Iliuminar (that's you), defender of truth and protector of the human race, can challenge his might. Gather your armies to destroy the allies of the prince of darkness, then fight Tetragorn himself in one-to-one combat.

ENCOUNTER - n a world similar to our own, but billions of light years away, a battle is about to begin. A battle for this deserted little planet? No. There is no intelligent life here. This planet is a test! Conceived by a race of beings long forgotten, it was built as a training enclave for their greatest warriors. It has stood undisturbed since before the earth's creation; but now, the combat grid has been activated! Prepare yourself. It is your turn for the Encounter!


Best of Sierra-On-Line Album (#7854)DDP (#9647)5¼

TROLL'S TALE - A wicked troll has stolen 16 treasures from the Dwarf King, and your task is to find them. Move into troll's territory, choosing your options with the ADAM'''' keyboard. When you encounter a troll, you must leave the scene, returning when the troll has gone. You get a reward for finding each treasure.

JAWBREAKER II - Hate seeing those stupid little smile faces everywhere? Now's your chance to get even! You speed through a colorful candy shop in a wild game of tag. Eat all the goodies, and the smiling faces will leave you alone. Brush your teeth, and it's back for more!


Best of Electronic Arts Album (#7852)DDP (#9645)5¼

HARD HAT MAC - You are Hard Hat Mack®, a steel riveter high up on a skyscraper. But your progress is complicated by inspectors, objects falling from above, and neighborhood bullies. And even Hard Hat Mac can slip and fall if he's not careful!

PINBALL CONSTRUCTION SET - Challenge yourself with pinball games that you create! This super game provides five sample formats plus the versatility to build fast, action-packed games for the ultimate in pinball fun.

Public Domain Release No J-Card

Best of Broderbund, The (1984) (Coleco).ddp




$25,000 PRYAMID (#7717)DDP (#9655)5¼

Work your way through the pyramid, correctly completing topics. Can you make it to the Bonus Round?


JEOPARDY (#7716)DDP (#9654)5¼

Here's that famous television quiz show captured on a video game! Read the answer, then use your wits to supply the correct questions. Choose your category ... just like on TV! With new mental challenges at every turn, it's a game everybody wants!

Public Domain Release No J-Card

Jeopardy (1984) (Coleco) (Prototype).ddp

Jeopardy (1984) (Coleco) (Prototype).dsk

PASSWORD (#7709)

Two 2-player teams compete with one another. Each side is trying to get one partner to say the key word by giving alternating one-word clues.


PASSWORD PLUS (#7712)DDP (#9650)

Two 2-player teams compete with one another. Each side is trying to get one partner to say the key word by giving alternating one-word clues.



THE PRICE IS RIGHT (#7711)DDP (#9649)5¼

Try your hand at guessing the closest prices! Another TV classic.

THE JOKER'S WILD (#7713)DDP (#9651)5¼

A QUiZ game with a twist! Based on the syndicated TV favorite.


TIC TAC DOUGH (#7714)DDP (#9652)5¼

The TV variation of the popular classic with fascinating Questions to answer as you plot X's and O's across the board.


WHEEL OF FORTUNE (#7715)DDP (#9653)5¼

Spin the electronic roulette wheel, and try to guess the righf lefters. Point values double halfway through.



SmartFiler Personal Datebook, Diary & Time Manager (#7802)

Makes it easier than ever before to set up a comprehensive, long-term electronic datebook . The diary function allows you to create a permanent record of daily activities



SmartFiler Home Budgeting and Financial Organizer (#7800)

This comprehensive program allows you to develop a complete home budgeting schedule.


Type Write (#7602)

What a great way to learn typing and sharpen basic word Erocessing skills! A real typing tutorial, not just a game! TYPE WRITE .. creates real typing situations, using sound and visual feedback to encourage continuous typing rhythm and accuracy. This program also develops a constantly updated profile on each user, based on that person's progress. Problems using individual keys are noted and drills are presented to correct these problems. Animation provides added fun for children learning to type. Recommended for ages 5-Adult.

Released as ExpertType.

ExperType (1984) (Coleco).ddp
ExperType (1984) (Coleco).dsk

SmartBASIC II (#7611)

Advanced graphics and sound expand BASIC program capability. Users can control sound and sprites (the onscreen animated objects) from BASIC. And if the 64K Memory Expander is utilized, even larger, more complex programs can be written.

SmartBASIC v2.0 (1984) (Coleco) (Prototype).dsk


CP/M® PROGRAMMER'S TOOL KIT (#7606)DDP (#9625)5¼

Makes programming with the CP/M® Operating System simpler than ever! Advanced ADAM™ programmers can now gain complete control over all of the system's vast capabilities, because the CP/M® PROGRAMMER'S TOOL KIT includes everything they'll need. A powerful 280 macro-assembler allows the writing of sophisticated programs in ASS EMBLY language, and a symbolic debugger allows them to debug easily. Also includes Linker and cross-reference utilities to ease program development. Requires purchase of PERSONAL CP/M® (sold separately).


WORDSTAR (Westico)

SuperCalc 2 (#7633)

The most popular spreadsheet for CP/M® computers. A powerful tool that helps you solve the most complex "what if" financial modeling questions. Provides 63 columns by 254 rows. Advanced features include variable width columns, sorting by partial or entire rows or columns, consolidation of any number of spreadsheets, special formatting options like floating dollar signs, calendar and date calculations, and Answer Key for onscreen help. SUPER CALC'" is a registered trademark of SORCIM Corporation. ©1983 SORCIM ® Corporation. CP/M" is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc



The wordbase that integrates with all ADAM"' "Smart" Software! It puts a pre-programmed lexicon of thousands of words right at the user's fingertips! And what's more, because this huge word list is electronically incorporated into the system, it can be accessed many times faster than other similar programs. It can also be used with other ADAM™ educational and information data programs to dramatically increase their power.



COLORFORMS® Electronic Crayons (#7650)

Uses the system game controller to create an infinite variety of graphics! 16 different colors available, producing a wide variety of color choices. Mistakes erase away easily.

SmartLOGO™ STEP BY STEP (#7608)DDP (#9609)5¼

SmartLOGO™ STEP BY STEP is a program that can help you master SmartLOGO. With new and unique SmartLOGO activities created especially for this program, you can actually teach yourself. Beginners learn programming skills by issuing commands that cause a "turtle" to draw on the screen; as the user grows into a more advanced programmer, the program will still provide plenty of challenge. As the name "STEP BY STEP" implies, once a particular activity is mastered, the programmer can move on to a more sophisticated level! Recommended for ages 4-Adult.

PERSONAL CP/M® (#7609)DDP (#9624)5¼

A customized, enhanced version of Digital Research's popular CP/M® Operating System, specially designed for ADAM™. Its special features will permit the user to control CP/ M® with the multi-function ADAM™ Smart Keys. Allows the ADAM™ owner to use the many popular CP/M® programs that will become available for the system during the course of 1984. Expands the powers of ADAM™ to encompass many new program applications.

Released in France as "MACADAM"



SmartSHEET (#7804)DDP (#9614)5¼

A new milestone in spreadsheet programs! It combines a powerful spreadsheet with the versatility of our unified Data Base Management system. SmartSHEET™ uses simple Smart Key" messages" and" labels," making it extraordinarily simple to work with. It utilizes the concept of electronic "frames" to help you create customized layouts. These frames can be made larger or smaller, and moved anywhere on the screen. This unique f lexibility actually enables you to design the kind of spreadsheet that best meets your needs. SmartSHEET™ quickly and easily lets you set up complex tables of numbers, then automatically recalculates them every time a change is made. This will save hours of tedious re-entry, and allow ADAM™ owners to handle financial planning more efficiently. "What-if" calcu lations can be performed in a flash. For instance, all factors of a new car purchase can be weighed swiftly, including tradein value, option costs and all other financial variables. You can also do "how-come" operations, which will give you the reasoning behind the results of any given financial or mathematical problem. Let's say you knew you wanted to make $10,000 on a bond over a ten-year period. You could then ascertain how much capital you'd have to invest and the exact rate of interest necessary to meet your goal. Any information on SmartSHEET™ can be effortlessly transferred to other integrated SmartFILER™ programs, for comparison sheets or even to set up proposals. Reports can also be printed, allowing the user to evaluate data anytime. Requires the purchase of SmartFILER™ (sold separately). Recommended for Teens-Adults.

SmartMONEY MANAGER (#7800)DDP (#9616)5¼

A practical aid to help efficiently and comgletely manage home finances. With SmartMONEY MANAGER M, you can do long-range financial forecasting, set up financial goals, prepare household budgets, track and compare actual income and expenses against expectations or compared to the previous year. You can also store and organize vital tax-related data to help you in the preparation of I. R. S. forms. Obtaining a complete printout of all the statistics needed is now as simple as pressing a few keys. Requires the purchase of SmartFILER™ (sold separately).

SmartPICTURE PROCESSOR™ (#7812)DDP (#9618)5¼

SmartPICTURE PROCESSOR™ will make working with graphics as easy and efficient as SmartWRITER™ makes working with text. It's an easy-to-use, comprehensive electronic art kit. Whether child, artist, or video game designer, SmartPICTURE PROCESSOR"" offers challenge and fun for all, with its multiple color and "brush" options. Its unique Smart Frame and Smart Magnet features and three-dimensional effects let the user do things they could never attempt with a pen and paper, such as rotate dimensional objects, automatically color them in, move them or copy them ... even store, recall and edit pictures or graphs that they've drawn onscreen! Pre-defined shapes can be employed, or the user can draw freehand. SmartPICTURE PROCESSOR™ is a program that can be many things to many people. For children, it's an electronic arts activity center. And for prospective designers, it's the beginning of a home CAD/CAM (Computer Assisted Design/Computer Automated Machine) system. ihe only limit is the user's imagination


This program makes learning to program easy for all ages. This program employs game-like elements, as well as real programming tasks to make the learning process more enjoyable. In an era where computer literacy is essential, here's a quick way for children . .. or adults . .. to achieve that vital edge in knowledge. ELECTRONIC GUIDE TO SmartBASIC™ will help users gain the programming ability necessary for success. Recommended for ages 8 to Adult.